Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Don Imus, Al Sharpton & Howard Stern

As an avid Howard Stern fan, i loved his show this morning as he disected the debate between the Reverend Al Sharpton and the beleagured talk show host Don Imus. Howard has zero love for either one of them, and he freely lambasted Al & Don for about 1 1/2 hours.

Don Imus is a baffoon. He said something extremely stupid, and should apologize. But why go on Al Sharpton's radio show??? Is Al Sharpton the voice of the entire black community? Sharpton has a history of doing some strange things of his own. Who exactly was it that convinced Imus to jump into the lions den?

This got me to thinking... Stern has been doing his brand of humor for over 25 years. Reinventing morning drive radio... he has done and said everything. He is controversial and he has pissed many people off during the years. Why hasnt Al Sharpton ever gone on the warpath against Stern? Certainly there has been things said and done on Howards show that could be called offensive to the African American community.... personally i have no clue. My opinion is this.... Its easy going after Imus.... Stern will put up a fight. Stern would throw all kinds of comments Sharpton has made over the years right back in his face. Sharpton once again has gone after the easy target. He would need to do his homework to accuse Stern of being a racist.

Don Imus and Al Sharpton are a good match.

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