Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Basset Log - Part 2

Puppies in general will "go potty" approximately 3,437,134 times before they reach 6 months of age. Mitzi so far is on pace to shatter the outdoor land speed "potty" record. She must make a trip to the back yard ever 3 minutes or so.

Her goal to be the worlds best was increased by the use of bribery. My roommate/sister rightfully began giving young Mitzi a reward for a successful evacuation. Evacuation meaning ta ta... tee tee gets no reward, but ta ta will garner her a little doggie biscuit. Now these particular biscuits have been in my sisters possesion since the Reagan administration... mainly because her previous dogs werent that crazy about them. Mitzi on the other hand considers them pure gold to the taste buds. She knows where they are at... and she knows how to get them.

This morning before leaving for work i led Mitzi outside. She sniffed and plotted her landing zone, flew low to the ground to avoid radar and went into attack position. Tee Tee!!! No biscuit. Undaunted, Mitzi began sniffing again. She took her time, taking up a defensive stance by keeping me in front of her. She then took the all too familar "haunch" that dogs do while blitzkrieging the villages. I began to praise. She finished and began wagging her tail, fully knowing what will come next. I began to lead her back into the house, i passed by the crash site and glanced down... low and behold there was nothing there... just wet grass and no soldiers. She fooled me. I stood there for several seconds looking for signs of life but i saw nothing. I am not lieing.... she is playing me like a fiddle!!!

I gave her a biscuit.

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