Tonight at 8pm airs the 41st anniversay of 'Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown'. One of the greatest holiday specials of them all. It also marks the beginning of the big holiday rush, culminating in Christmas and New Years.
The Peanuts gang was such a staple of TV wonderment as a kid. Maybe not as flashy, but certainly left a lasting impression. 'Great Pumpkin' and Its a Charlie Brown Christmas' have always held such a special place in my heart. So much so, the nostalgia that goes along with watching them can at times be rather melancholy. I am instantly in my pajamas stretched on the carpeted floor eating freshly popped popcorn, glued to the TV. Boy those times fly by so fast.
The holiday specials span the test of time. The 60's garned so many classics, there really isnt any need to make anymore. My personal favorite will always be Rudolph, but for sheer nostalgia, wisking me away and turning me once again into a child, nothing holds a candle to the 2 Charlie Brown specials.
Tonight at 8pm, although the hair is thinning, the gut is bigger, and i am much taller... i will once again be a child. Watching snoopy battle the red baron, Pig Pen's little cloud of dust surrounding his ghost costume and all the other things i so much love about this little half hour masterpiece.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Growing, Barking, Chewing, Howling and Drooling
Its been several months since posting. In those months my Basset Hound Mitzi has grown not only in size, but in all things Basset Houndiness. Her slow prodding gate reminds one of a small hippo. When running, her rear end sometimes has a hard time catching up to her front end. She is slowly learning the ancient art of the howl. She has discovered the many nutritional values of rocks. Her acute sense of smell can pick up even the slightest hint of food. She has urinated on a guest, made the backyard her own personal poo mine field and has turned my sister into the worlds first human chew/squeaky toy.
The other night i went looking for her. She was outside on the back patio inspecting something with great interest. I didnt want to disturb her so i spyed in stealth mode out the window. She had her first encounter with a Cicada bug. A big one too. This thing would crawl around, Mitzi would go in for a sniff, and it would take flight with that loud buzzing noise only creepy flying insects make. This in turn would startle young Mitzi making her leap backwards. The cicada must have found this amusing, it kept landing, forcing Mitzi to repeat the sniff move. This went on a good 10 minutes. I went outside with a doggie biscuit in tow. Upon seeing me, Mitzi made an unexpected but brilliant offensive manuever on the cicada... She lept forward before it could take flight and scooped it up in her mouth. She then spun around, sat down, striking this pose.

Now this isnt Mitzi. But its pretty darn close. We glared at each other for a few minutes. I thought... my god, she just swalloed a cicada... whole!! That defiant dog look she was given me made me chuckle.. as if she was saying. Its mine, and you cant have it.
I then showed her the dog biscuit. Now, this dog could have a t-bone steak in her mouth, but i show her a dry old dog biscuit and she will trade in that steak for said biscuit. This time she didnt.... she sat there looking at me. I walked towards her and held said savory biscuit towards her. Relunctantly she she opened her clenched jowls... and out flys a terrified cicada. Landing on my foot. I then leaped backwards in a very similar manner Mitzi was doing not 2 minutes before. She triumphantly took the biscuit and retired to her bed for the night. I havent seen the cicada since.
She is the funnest most entertaining dog i have ever encountered.
The other night i went looking for her. She was outside on the back patio inspecting something with great interest. I didnt want to disturb her so i spyed in stealth mode out the window. She had her first encounter with a Cicada bug. A big one too. This thing would crawl around, Mitzi would go in for a sniff, and it would take flight with that loud buzzing noise only creepy flying insects make. This in turn would startle young Mitzi making her leap backwards. The cicada must have found this amusing, it kept landing, forcing Mitzi to repeat the sniff move. This went on a good 10 minutes. I went outside with a doggie biscuit in tow. Upon seeing me, Mitzi made an unexpected but brilliant offensive manuever on the cicada... She lept forward before it could take flight and scooped it up in her mouth. She then spun around, sat down, striking this pose.

Now this isnt Mitzi. But its pretty darn close. We glared at each other for a few minutes. I thought... my god, she just swalloed a cicada... whole!! That defiant dog look she was given me made me chuckle.. as if she was saying. Its mine, and you cant have it.
I then showed her the dog biscuit. Now, this dog could have a t-bone steak in her mouth, but i show her a dry old dog biscuit and she will trade in that steak for said biscuit. This time she didnt.... she sat there looking at me. I walked towards her and held said savory biscuit towards her. Relunctantly she she opened her clenched jowls... and out flys a terrified cicada. Landing on my foot. I then leaped backwards in a very similar manner Mitzi was doing not 2 minutes before. She triumphantly took the biscuit and retired to her bed for the night. I havent seen the cicada since.
She is the funnest most entertaining dog i have ever encountered.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Pop-Corn Chicken and Oprah
So i was vomiting at about 1am this morning when the Oprah Winfrey show came to mind. Funny how those 2 things run hand in hand. Its guaranteed for the next serval months if i need to induce vomiting that all i have to think of is pop-corn chicken and Oprah.
Anyway, Oprah had a show on her dogs the other day and what "she" has done to train them. She has 3 white labs, very beautiful dogs. Each of them living in the lap of luxury more than i could ever dream. This ex-israeli army soldier, after watching the appaling methods the Israeli Army uses to train their dogs, decided to write a canine training book using the "love method." Lots of singing and praise goes into the training, and of course Oprahs dogs were model students. The dogs have no choice, they have seen first hand what happens to Stedman when he disobeys Oprah. So needless to say there are not 3 more pampered spoiled dogs on the planet to put on TV to demonstrate how great this system is. Oprah then introduces her "dog nutritionalist." Dog nutritionalist?? What the hell is that? This nerd begins to explain how dogs are carnavours and in the wild are used to eating raw meat. So the best thing to feed your dog is raw meat. Now i dont know about you, but for years after watching the pit-bull terrier eating raw meat from local mailmen to the soft fleshy underbelly of grandma's bicep, feed a dog raw meat just doesnt seem too smart. Of course Oprah does the next best thing. She shows what she feed her dogs. Cut up cooked Lamb, sliced carrots, steamed brown grain rice! She then mixes it in 3 individual bowls and forces her dogs to sit for a few minutes before dining. Because as Oprah says, her dogs have to have manners before eating... kiss my ass Oprah.
So after more Pop-corn chicken made its way to the top of my throat, i dabbed the sweat on my brow and layed on the cool linolium floor and rested my dizzy head on a rolled up towel. I glanced down and seen young Mitzi laying next to me licking her own ass. She just didnt seem to have much sympathy for my plight, but she tried to hang in there with me. Watching this "carnavour" one word came to mind. LAMB????? When the hell is the last time anyone has seen a dog run down a lamb for christ sake? And although im sure lamb is quite tasty, Mitzi at the moment seemed to be enjoying something that, her mind, was just as tasty. Oprah can take a flying leap... if lamb ever makes its way into my house that bad boy is going down my throat and not Mitzi's.
If only i could lick my own ass.
Anyway, Oprah had a show on her dogs the other day and what "she" has done to train them. She has 3 white labs, very beautiful dogs. Each of them living in the lap of luxury more than i could ever dream. This ex-israeli army soldier, after watching the appaling methods the Israeli Army uses to train their dogs, decided to write a canine training book using the "love method." Lots of singing and praise goes into the training, and of course Oprahs dogs were model students. The dogs have no choice, they have seen first hand what happens to Stedman when he disobeys Oprah. So needless to say there are not 3 more pampered spoiled dogs on the planet to put on TV to demonstrate how great this system is. Oprah then introduces her "dog nutritionalist." Dog nutritionalist?? What the hell is that? This nerd begins to explain how dogs are carnavours and in the wild are used to eating raw meat. So the best thing to feed your dog is raw meat. Now i dont know about you, but for years after watching the pit-bull terrier eating raw meat from local mailmen to the soft fleshy underbelly of grandma's bicep, feed a dog raw meat just doesnt seem too smart. Of course Oprah does the next best thing. She shows what she feed her dogs. Cut up cooked Lamb, sliced carrots, steamed brown grain rice! She then mixes it in 3 individual bowls and forces her dogs to sit for a few minutes before dining. Because as Oprah says, her dogs have to have manners before eating... kiss my ass Oprah.
So after more Pop-corn chicken made its way to the top of my throat, i dabbed the sweat on my brow and layed on the cool linolium floor and rested my dizzy head on a rolled up towel. I glanced down and seen young Mitzi laying next to me licking her own ass. She just didnt seem to have much sympathy for my plight, but she tried to hang in there with me. Watching this "carnavour" one word came to mind. LAMB????? When the hell is the last time anyone has seen a dog run down a lamb for christ sake? And although im sure lamb is quite tasty, Mitzi at the moment seemed to be enjoying something that, her mind, was just as tasty. Oprah can take a flying leap... if lamb ever makes its way into my house that bad boy is going down my throat and not Mitzi's.
If only i could lick my own ass.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Pies and Football
PIE HOLE!!!!! I yell. I am the alpha male and Mitzi WILL obey. She begins barking again..... PIE HOLE!!!! she quiets down for a few minutes to regain her strength. Defiantly she begins barking yet again..... PIE HOLE!!!!! This time she looks up at me, shakes her head, and yelps in my direction!!! My direction i tell you!! MITZI, PIE HOLE!!!!!!!
Out of a 24 hour span this goes on for approximately 19 hours. Most people tell their dogs to hush or shut up. Or (like my mother) make an un-godly squelching sound from the back of her throat that only fish can understand. I wanted to be unique, different from the norm. So, i chose pie hole as my word for shut up. It seems to work. Or maybe she thinks she is getting ready to be fed a hunk of pie, i dont know, but the fact is the damn term seems to ellicit a positive response. I am looking forward to our first walk together in the park. Beautiful woman approaches with her dog to admire my basset hound, we strike up a conversation and discover we were made to each other, Mitzi barks, i yell PIE HOLE!!!! Woman turns and runs away. However, i must stick to my guns. This is a battle to determine who is smarter. Me or Mitzi, and i am determined to win.
I have a dilema. What other colorful terms should i use to correct bad behavior. Especially for something spotted Mitzi doing over the weekend.
When its potty time, 9 times out of 10, Frankie the rat terrier will follow Mitzi outside. They will play and dig, and dig, and dig. What they dig for i dont know, hopefully they wont hit a water main or sewage flow pipe. Saturday Mitzi did her business as usual, with Frankie looking on. Mitzi then begins to follow Frankie around the yard. Frankie goes to her #2 area. She likes to go under the big tree in the far corner of the yard. Now Frankie being a long legged terrier has an interesting "haunch" when she goes. She hikes her rear end as far in the air as it can reach, all the while tucking her two front legs in between her back legs. It looks similar to Olga Korbet from the '72 munich games during her balance beam rotuine. Very spider like. In this position Frankies "bulls eye" is a good 3 inches above Mitzi's head. Soon the conveyor belt is turned on and "product" begins to move on the assembly line. Right towards Mitzi. Now dont worry. Mitzi, though she like to dig in dirt and chew paper towels, is a lady. The dinner bell doesnt ring if you know what i mean. Instead that famous Basset Hound nose (2nd only to the bloodhound) goes to work. Now i immediatly began clapping and screaming no!! But i need a unique term in case it happens again. A term Mitzi will know is only for that particular instance.
Now i realize i cant use anything with the word "hole" for this. That would just be bad. I cant discourage her from sniffing, thats what she does. The only appropiate term i can think of is...... FSU!!!!!! I think that pretty much says it all. And those of you who are Gator fans will completely get the meaning. I will have to scout the back yard all weekend to and wait to see the deed being done. It might take awhile. Maybe i should get in the trees like the deer hunters do, then as soon as i see it happen, leap from the tree screaming FSU!!!! FSU!!!!! FSU!!!!!! The neighbors will love it
Go Gators
Out of a 24 hour span this goes on for approximately 19 hours. Most people tell their dogs to hush or shut up. Or (like my mother) make an un-godly squelching sound from the back of her throat that only fish can understand. I wanted to be unique, different from the norm. So, i chose pie hole as my word for shut up. It seems to work. Or maybe she thinks she is getting ready to be fed a hunk of pie, i dont know, but the fact is the damn term seems to ellicit a positive response. I am looking forward to our first walk together in the park. Beautiful woman approaches with her dog to admire my basset hound, we strike up a conversation and discover we were made to each other, Mitzi barks, i yell PIE HOLE!!!! Woman turns and runs away. However, i must stick to my guns. This is a battle to determine who is smarter. Me or Mitzi, and i am determined to win.
I have a dilema. What other colorful terms should i use to correct bad behavior. Especially for something spotted Mitzi doing over the weekend.
When its potty time, 9 times out of 10, Frankie the rat terrier will follow Mitzi outside. They will play and dig, and dig, and dig. What they dig for i dont know, hopefully they wont hit a water main or sewage flow pipe. Saturday Mitzi did her business as usual, with Frankie looking on. Mitzi then begins to follow Frankie around the yard. Frankie goes to her #2 area. She likes to go under the big tree in the far corner of the yard. Now Frankie being a long legged terrier has an interesting "haunch" when she goes. She hikes her rear end as far in the air as it can reach, all the while tucking her two front legs in between her back legs. It looks similar to Olga Korbet from the '72 munich games during her balance beam rotuine. Very spider like. In this position Frankies "bulls eye" is a good 3 inches above Mitzi's head. Soon the conveyor belt is turned on and "product" begins to move on the assembly line. Right towards Mitzi. Now dont worry. Mitzi, though she like to dig in dirt and chew paper towels, is a lady. The dinner bell doesnt ring if you know what i mean. Instead that famous Basset Hound nose (2nd only to the bloodhound) goes to work. Now i immediatly began clapping and screaming no!! But i need a unique term in case it happens again. A term Mitzi will know is only for that particular instance.
Now i realize i cant use anything with the word "hole" for this. That would just be bad. I cant discourage her from sniffing, thats what she does. The only appropiate term i can think of is...... FSU!!!!!! I think that pretty much says it all. And those of you who are Gator fans will completely get the meaning. I will have to scout the back yard all weekend to and wait to see the deed being done. It might take awhile. Maybe i should get in the trees like the deer hunters do, then as soon as i see it happen, leap from the tree screaming FSU!!!! FSU!!!!! FSU!!!!!! The neighbors will love it
Go Gators
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The Basset Log - Part 4 -Crate Training
One of the most important tools for any owner of a new puppy is a crate. Effective crate training can speed up house training and give the owner piece of mind when he/she can not be home for an extended period of time. The crate will fire up a dogs natural instinct as den animals. They feel safe and secure in there crate. It will curb the dogs chewing and tearing things up around the house.
I purchased a brand new crate for Mitzi. It is a wire metal one so she can see out on all four sides. There is plenty of room for her to move around and be comfortable. Yet, not too big where she can go potty in a corner. I have a nice blanket inside, along with some toys so she can entertain herself in between naps. The first day i bought it, she went right inside. I put some treats in the back and she would go in and eat, look around and chill a bit. I couldnt be happier with the crate and i think Mitzi really likes it too.
Heres a picture of the crate
I purchased a brand new crate for Mitzi. It is a wire metal one so she can see out on all four sides. There is plenty of room for her to move around and be comfortable. Yet, not too big where she can go potty in a corner. I have a nice blanket inside, along with some toys so she can entertain herself in between naps. The first day i bought it, she went right inside. I put some treats in the back and she would go in and eat, look around and chill a bit. I couldnt be happier with the crate and i think Mitzi really likes it too.
Heres a picture of the crate
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
My Next Purchase
I have decided on my next big purchase. Its an important one that i feel will help me in all aspects of life. But why should i do the talking when there is a fully interactive website with details of this wonderful product which will soon be mine. Be sure you have your speakers on.
My Next Purchase
My Next Purchase
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
The Basset Log - Part 3
My all time favorite movie is JAWS. The mechanical shark, nick named "Bruce", was a 25 foot goliath. They made 3 of them. A left turning shark, a right turning shark, and the one that can explode out of the water. They used that one in the climatic scene when Quint met his untimely death. I love that scene, shark laying on the back of the boat, its jaws chomping in a non stop frenzy until its teeth find its mark in the soft meaty flesh of Quints tummy.
The sharks teeth were the size of a shot glass... Mitzi's teeth are the size of sewing needles and equally as destructive. Mitzi the loveable Basset Hound has begun to chew. and chew... and chew...and chew. She is a droopy eyed wood chipper. She will knaw on whatever is in her path. Shoes, aluminum foil, any and all paper products, plastics, the cast iron legs of the coffee table, Frankie the rat terriers buttocks, carpet, her own paw, human flesh.... everything. Now, she is young, and she is beginning to teeth, so anyone that has been around a teething baby knows what a nightmare this can be. I am beginning to train her that chewing people is bad. She will chew, i will pull back and give her a harsh "NO!!" she will look up at me with those sad pitiful eyes and yelp right back with a "YEELLP!!" As if she were saying "look jackass!!! you try making it 5 minutes with these teeth and not chew on anything."
Its time to take back control of the house. The only way to do this is to put her to work. She is like a termite, im sure there are plenty of trades out there that could use this fury little chewing machine. Perhaps the fire department can use her to replace the jaws of life. She could rip through the metal of a car in half the time. A post hole digger would be good. If you hold her ears and tip her sideways i would put her up against any chainsaw in the land. She would make a great sewing maching, or landscape mulcher. If she could swim she would make a perfect beaver. Put some bling bling in her grill and stick her in rap videos. We could ground her and make her the ultimate electrician tool. Maybe the military could clone her and send an army of Mitzi replicas to flush out the insurgents in Iraq.
I dont know. But whatever the answer i know one thing..... we're gonna need a bigger boat.
The sharks teeth were the size of a shot glass... Mitzi's teeth are the size of sewing needles and equally as destructive. Mitzi the loveable Basset Hound has begun to chew. and chew... and chew...and chew. She is a droopy eyed wood chipper. She will knaw on whatever is in her path. Shoes, aluminum foil, any and all paper products, plastics, the cast iron legs of the coffee table, Frankie the rat terriers buttocks, carpet, her own paw, human flesh.... everything. Now, she is young, and she is beginning to teeth, so anyone that has been around a teething baby knows what a nightmare this can be. I am beginning to train her that chewing people is bad. She will chew, i will pull back and give her a harsh "NO!!" she will look up at me with those sad pitiful eyes and yelp right back with a "YEELLP!!" As if she were saying "look jackass!!! you try making it 5 minutes with these teeth and not chew on anything."
Its time to take back control of the house. The only way to do this is to put her to work. She is like a termite, im sure there are plenty of trades out there that could use this fury little chewing machine. Perhaps the fire department can use her to replace the jaws of life. She could rip through the metal of a car in half the time. A post hole digger would be good. If you hold her ears and tip her sideways i would put her up against any chainsaw in the land. She would make a great sewing maching, or landscape mulcher. If she could swim she would make a perfect beaver. Put some bling bling in her grill and stick her in rap videos. We could ground her and make her the ultimate electrician tool. Maybe the military could clone her and send an army of Mitzi replicas to flush out the insurgents in Iraq.
I dont know. But whatever the answer i know one thing..... we're gonna need a bigger boat.
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